“The Committee” is the governing board of The Nautical Institute Netherlands Branch (NINL). As The Netherlands Branch is being formed again after a few years of inactivity, the present committee is still looking for a few NINL members to join the team. All positions are on a voluntary and unpaid basis. The following positions are still vacant:
Vice President At Sea
Profile: You are a member of The Nautical Institute or are willing to become a NI member, living in The Netherlands. You have an active profession at sea. In this position you keep the committee updated on developments in the area’s of interest to NINL. When on leave, you attend committee meetings whenever possible.
Junior Member
Profile: You are a member of The Nautical Institute or are willing to become a NI member, living in The Netherlands, aged under 36 years old. You have an active nautical or maritime profession at sea or ashore. In this position you keep the committee updated on developments in the area’s of interest to NINL. You attend committee meetings whenever possible. There is no specific role for you to perform on the committee. This is to be decided in consultation with the committee.
Student member
Profile: You are a (future) student member of The Nautical Institute, living in The Netherlands. In this position you keep the committee updated on developments in the area’s of interest to NINL. You attend committee meetings whenever possible. There is no specific role for you to perform on the committee. This is to be decided in consultation with the committee.
If you are interested in any of the above positions, please send your CV and motivation letter to netherlands.branch@nautinst.org . For more information on any of the above positions, please use the same e-mail address. After we receive your application we will contact you.