On this page you will find up to date information about different forms of membership of The Nautical Institute. There are three separate memberships:
Membership of The Nautical Institute Netherlands Branch
The Nautical Institute Netherlands Branch (NI-NL) is an independent body of The Nautical Institute (NI) in London, UK. We keep a list of all NI members living in The Netherlands and we will approach them from time to time to inform them about the branch. They are member of The nautical institute netherlands branch by default and will be on our mailing list for events and news.
Other interested maritime professionals who are interested in the work of the NI-NL can make a connection at the Linkedin page of the Netherlands Branch. Via this channel, all information on events and activities will come to you.
Membership of the branch is free for all members. For events and activities, the committee will seek funding from sponsors, and members. The committee may ask attendees for a contribution to participate in events and activities of NI-NL.
One of the goals of NI-NL is to raise the number of NI members in The Netherlands. In order to do so we will actively approach non- Members and ask them to become NI member. More information on memebrship of The Nautical Institute can be found below.
Individual Membership of The Nautical Institute
The Nautical Institute is a thriving membership organisation open to all with a professional interest in the safe operation of sea-going vessels, high-level training and education, crewing, insurance and a host of other maritime concerns. Here’s what you need to know
- Formal acknowledgement of your professional status, including being able to display your Nautical Institute membership on your CV, business card, email signature etc
- Network with colleagues, prospective employers and customers at local Institute branch events and seminars
- Protect yourself against the threat of criminalisation with our legal fees cover*
- Receive your monthly copy of Seaways, the Institute’s highly respected international maritime journal (delivered to you as a printed magazine* but also readable online)
- Take a free online training course every 12 months courtesy of one of the world’s leading maritime e-learning providers, Ocean Technologies Group*
- Listen online to technical webinars and presentations given at key Nautical Institute events
- Gain discounted entry to leading maritime conferences and events around the world
- Have your voice heard at IMO, IALA and other key forums on important policy issues
- Take advantage of big discounts on all Nautical Institute books, short courses and self-study schemes
- Access a wide range of free online business related courses via the Skillshub platform,and receive a CPD certificate on successful completion of each course*
- Keep an ongoing record of your professional development using the Institute’s CPD Online programme
- Study free online Learn@Sea courses, especially useful if English isn’t your first language*
- Get your CV and LinkedIn profile reviewed for free and access discounted personal branding and CV writing services*
For more information visit the NI individual membership site. or download the following brochure in pdf format. When you register as a member living in The Netherlands, do not forget to register at our LinkedIn-group to stay up to date on NI-NL activities all the time!
Student Membership of The Nautical Institute
Student or cadet? Membership of The Nautical Institute is now free for the duration of your studies (Not exceeding four years from the date of application) – and for up to a year after that, while you find work and get settled. During that time we will also offer you the opportunity to sign up for full membership at half the usual price for the first year! You can cancel any time you like, so why not take a look? You never know, it could be the key to your securing your future.
Check out the PDF file below to get more information on Student membership of NI. When you register as a student living in The Netherlands, do not forget to register at our LinkedIn-group to stay up to date on NI-NL activities all the time!