On June 27th, the Annual General meeting of The Netherlands Branch was held at College Zeemanshoop in the oldtown of Amsterdam. We welcomed 15 members, 4 of which attended online.
During the meeting, first of all Capt. Jim Vink, the former President was thanked for his continuous efforts to keep the branch alive during the Covid pandemic, and after the passing of Capt. Van Wijnen, who was also a committee member.
With the election of the new committee, a new foundation was set to approach the future of the Netherlands branch with enthusiasm. The outcome of the members survey was presented after the meeting. This survey will be the basis of the Strategic Plan to be made in the next few months.
After the meeting an informal gathering was held, hosted by the Royal College Zeemanshoop during which the members and committee got to know each other, which was an excellent opportunity to exchange ideas on the course to sail the The Nautical Institute Netherlands Branch.
Hope to see you at the next event.